
Showing posts from January, 2015

Clearing Empty File Repositories in BI 4.x using Fileserver Prune Command

To cleanup empty folders from the file repositories Stop the input and output file repository server using CMC From windows command prompt, run the following command to clean up the input repositories "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\ fileserver " -rootdir "c:/Program Files (x86)/SAP BusinessObjects/SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0/FileStore/ Input /" -prune -fg Now run the following command to cleanup output repositories "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\ fileserver " -rootdir "c:/Program Files (x86)/SAP BusinessObjects/SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0/FileStore/ Output /" -prune -fg Start the file repository servers using CMC

Extracting Multipart SAP DVDs in Unix .exe followed by .rar

Large SAP DVDs are split into multiple parts. The first part is a rar file and the next parts are .rar or .zip files. One option is to double-click on the exe file from your windows PC, the DVD will be extracted to a folder, upload the folder to your UNIX system. The better way of doing this is extracting the files on UNIX system itself. Place all the DVD part files (.exe and .rar files in a single folder) Download the command line extractor unrar for your UNIX system. Run the unrar command against the .exe DVD part file: unrar x <archiv-name(exe-file)> <targetdir> As all the files are in a sequence (part1, part2 ...) all the files will be picked up and extracted. NOTE: On some system you need to execute ./unrar xvf <filename>.exe or ./unrar xvf <filename>.rar

Allowing HTTPS Connecton to SAP BI Explorer via iPad

When you call the SBO explorer in iPad to connect by using HTTPS, you may notice an error stating that the server did not accept the certificate. When an HTTPS call is made the server sends its certificate to the client (browser) the client verifies if this certificate can be trusted (if configured) the server asks for client certificate the client sends its certificate server verifies if this certificate can be trusted client and server complete the handshake The error that the server did not accept the server happens because there is no functionality to import the Safari client certificates into the iPad app and send them to the server. In order to continue with the handshake the server should be configured not to ask for client certificate (so that steps 3, 4 and 5 are avoided). You can disable the client certificate check process on Tomcat by setting  clientAuth=want in C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\conf\server.xml

YouTube slow on Chrome

Looks like Adblock is causing youtube videos to not load or buffer slowly. Try disabling Adblock or Adblock Pro and see if it fixes the problem. If that doesn't work, try disabling pepflashplayer.dll

How to check index storage quality in SAP

To check the index storage quality call the transaction DB02 > Detailed Analysis > (enter the index name) > Detailed Analysis > Analyze Index > Storage Quality. If the quality is less than 50%, the index needs a reorg .

Test Your Basis Knowledge - Quiz 2

Please give 2 seconds for the quiz to load... Powered by Typeform

SAP Memory Parameters Tuning - Part 1

Roll and Extended Memory ztta/roll_first - This is the first area of memory assigned to a work process. This parameter is usually set to 1 as a technically necessity as the modern applications will end up using more memory than the first roll segment. Even if ztta/roll_first is set to 1, the minimum amount required for administrative data is allocated from roll memory. It is best to leave the parameter at 1. ztta/roll_extension - Further memory allocation to the work process is done from Extended Memory, after first roll segment is used up. ztta/roll_extension parameter determines how much memory can be used by a user context in the extended memory. In other words, this is the limit of the SAP Extended Memory for each work process. This is true in most cases, however, ztta/roll_extension is Extended Memory limit for a single "i-mode". Depending on the number of i-modes, normally up to 6, the value of maximum extended memory can raise up to 6*ztta/roll_extension theoret...

How to generate developer access key in SAP IDES

For some reason, SAP newbies are under the impression that the process of generating developer access key on IDES is different from any other SAP NW system. It's not! Log on to the URL with your SAP S-user ID. Click on Register Developer. Enter the user name(s) and select the Installation for which the developer key is required, in this case it should be your IDES system's installation number. Click on Register. Copy the key and send it to the developer.

Checking Form Printing Configuration to ADS using FP_TEST_00

The ABAP report FP_TEST_00 is a handy tool to quickly verify the configuration and health of underlying components for form printing. 1. Run FP_TEST_00 using SE38 or SA38 2. Choose Output Device as LPDF, LP01 or LOCL, Spool Request Name as PBFORM and click on Print Preview 3. You should see an output like this

The Journey of SAP Logo

Here is how SAP logo has evolved over a period of time. And yes, the 2014 logo was cancelled after a lot of opposition since its release in their internal websites.

SAP System Properties - Important Categories

RDISP/* - Parameters for Dispatcher or processes controlled by the dispatcher (ex: work processes) ES/* & ZTTA/*- Parameters that control extended memory settings SCSA/* - Shared Common System Area settings ENQUE/* - Enqueue work process or standalone enqueue server settings GW/* - Gateway settings MS/* - Message server parameters INSTANCE* - Settings that identify instance or server ABAP/* - Settings that control ABAP program execution, including heap AUTH/* - Authorization specific parameters LOGIN/* - Controls the logon environment (ex multiple sessions) DBS/<DB Type>/* - Parameters related to database EM/* - General system related settings ICF/* & ICM/* - Internet control framework and ICM settings STAT/* - Statistics collector related parameters

Lightweight ad-blocker uBlock is now available for Firefox

µBlock  is a popular ad-blocker for Chrome and now available on Firefox (well its initial versions for now). This ad-blocker has smaller memory overhead compared to Ad Blocker Plus. ABP consumes much memory as it injects a huge style sheet into every page you visit, in order to implement element hiding. That style sheet contains thousands of CSS rules that are pretty much always the same for every page, whether or not that page actually needs any of those hiding rules.  µBlock,  on the other hand, will identify (by surveying) which element hiding rules are needed by the website you are visiting and will only inject the required element hiding rules. So instead of having thousands of additional CSS rules that the browser needs to parse for every page you visit, you end up with only a handful of rules that the page actually ends up using, keeping memory usage extremely low. Moreover surveying and injecting smaller CSS is less CPU intensive compared to injecting heavy CSS...

Cannot run Catalog application on SRM Portal

Alright, so you have patched or upgraded MDM and now the SRM portal users or functional consultants see the following error The issue is usually triggered because of incompatibility between MDM server and MDM Catalog management component on SRM Java. You can check for compatibility from PAM . Search for MDM CATALOG and go to Support Pack Stacks tab. Open the note corresponding to SPS level of SRM_MDM_CAT and search for the term is based on . This will show the compatibility between SRM_MDM_CAT and MDM Server. Make sure you meet this requirement. Apart from SRM_MDM_CAT, there are two more components that are important MDM_CONNECTOR MDM_JAVA_API These components should be at the same SPS level as the MDM Server. The older SRM Java systems may not have MDM_CONNECTOR deployed, but it is mandatory to deploy this component from MDM 7.1 SP07.

Preparing SOAP Axis Adapter Libraries SDA for SAP PI

Axis stands for Apache eXtensible Interaction System . It is a toolkit that allows to quickly convert a JAVA programs to web services. SAP PI allows you to use the Axis framework in the SOAP adapter. To be able to use SOAP Axis Adapter, the SAP PI system should have the mandatory libraries deployed. To find out if the libraries are installed, call the URL http://<hostname>:<port>/XIAxisAdapter/MessageServlet Where <hostname> is the PI server host <port> is the HTTP port of the J2EE engine. This page (../XIAxisAdapter/MessageServlet) will provide links to the jar files required. Check SAP Note 1028961 to see if the jar files have any recommended successors. Download all the required jar files in to a folder. Download  sdaMakerTool.jar from SAP note 1028961 and start it using the command java -jar sdaMakerTool.jar Select the release of your XI / PI system From the drop down menu select the aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda for XI 3.0 / P...

Performance Tests to Assess Enqueue Bottlenecks

You can use the Diagnosis environment on the transaction SM12 to Check the configuration of enqueue function Perform tests to evaluate known possible bottlenecks and Perform tests for known issues To use this feature call SM12 and go to Error handling > Diagnosis environment or enter DUDEL in OK-CODE field. If this option is not available on the current SPS level of your release, download and configure the report Z_ENQUEUE_PERF from SAP note  1320810 .

No More Memory for FCA

The newer NetWeaver AS JAVA systems use ICM instead of JAVA Dispatcher. The communication between ICM and J2EE server node is handled through memory pipes (MPI) instead of sockets--An architectural feature of FCA (Fast Channel Architecture). Depending on the system throughput requirements, the default memory allocated to FCA may not always be sufficient, resulting in  no more memory for FCA errors. When these errors occur, the only way to free up FCA memory is a restart of J2EE engine. To avoid these errors: Check ICM parameter settings according to SAP note 737625. icm/max_conn, mpi/total_size_MB and mpi/max_pipes are important parameters. Add the parameter icm[J2EE]/enable_icmadm = true if it is not maintained according to SAP note 1635058. Check SAP note 715400 to check the maximum number of memory pipes Increase FCAServerThreadCount Maximum Server Threads count for ICM Requests of the HTTP provider service from java NWA (NetWeaver Administrator) or from t...

SAP Gateway 2.0 Parameter Tuning

Here are some important SAP profile parameters that can help the gateway performance: The number of dialog work processes should be sufficient to handle the requests: rdisp/wp_no_dia is recommended to be set at Number of Cores x 4 . You can always increase this number as long as the average CPU usage is below 80%. Check ST03 %Wait Time for DIALOG type tasks. If this values is more than 50 ms or 10% of average response time, then the number of WPs are not sufficient. The keep-alive timeout should be set at 60 sec . The timeout is controlled by icm/keep_alive_timeout and overridden by the timeout set in the parameter icm/server_port_<xx> The maximum number of simultaneous open connections in ICM is determnined by icm/max_conn . Set this parameter to Number of Active Users x 1.2 . Check SMICM and ensure that Peak value is less than the Maximum value against "Connections Used". When you change icm/max_conn, change the maximum number of sockets ( icm/max_sockets )  ...

Invalid layout of preloaded class when starting SAP JVM

Most admins would have set up the SAP systems to get it monitored or analyzed by Solution Manager systems. Therefore the SAP JVMs are enabled with a connector to Wily Introscope. The AutoProbe Connector is compiled using the current JVM and can only be started if the JVM remains unchanged. When you patch the JVM or switch from third party JVM to SAP JVM, the connector class does not load. The JVM startup fails with one of the following errors: Invalid layout of java.lang.ClassLoader at uniqueId fatal error: Invalid layout of preloaded class Attempting to run an AutoProbe Connector with an incompatible JVM Attempting to run an AutoProbe Connector with an different JVM To get the JVM to start, remove the following VM parameters using Config Tool: -Dcom.wily.introscope.agent.agentName=<SID>_<Instance>_server<x> -Dcom.wily.introscope.agentProfile=D:/usr/sap/<SID>/.../applications.config/