
Showing posts from April, 2013

ORA-00059 maximum number of DB_FILES exceeded

Fixing ORA-00059 maximum number of DB_FILES exceeded The number of datafiles per database is limited by the parameter DB_FILES. You can check the current limit using the following SQL command: show parameter db_files; You can check the curent number of datafiles the following SQL command: select count(*), max(file#) from v$datafile; When the curent number of datafiles equals DB_FILES, the next attempt to add a datafile will error out with ora error code ORA-00059. The limit can be increased (for example to 300) using the following SQL command. The changed requires a restart of database. alter system set db_files=300 scope=spfile;

SAP Note Shortcut on Chrome

We have seen how one can define a search engine for searching SAP notes from Firefox . It can be done on Chrome also. Right click on the address bar and choose Edit search engines... Fill out the fields as follows Name: sapnote Keyword: s URL: When trying to open a note type s followed by the note number

Mass Changes to Step User of Background Jobs

The users define hundreds of jobs to meet their business needs. When they leave the company their user IDs will be deleted/locked/expired, requiring changes to the jobs on SAP system. Manually changing the step user ID of hundreds of jobs for a specific user ID is a tiring and error prone exercise. If you find yourself in such a situation, implement sap note 1532884 to import BTC_MASS_JOB_CHANGE report, which can help make the task relatively simple.

Fixing Slow YouTube on Chrome

YouTube and many other online video hosts have been slow or under-performing while using Chrome. Chrome has its own built in flash player which YouTube uses to play videos. The performance of this player has been down lately. Until that gets fixed you can switch to using the official Adobe flash player installed on your computer by following these steps: Type about:plugins in the address space Search for "adobe flash player" plugin (usually the first entry) Expand the details by clicking on Details on top-right hand side of the page Find the plugin pepflashplayer.dll Disable the plug-in by hitting "disable" immediately below Restart Chrome to activate the change

Force Target Field Empty Jobs to Run on Specific Instances

In a typical SAP system, we install Additional Application Server(s) which is dedicated for running jobs. To ensure that the jobs are running on this instance, the Target server field should be maintained while scheduling the job. The end users may sometimes forget to define this field or there may be many jobs already defined, with this field empty, before the Additional Application Server (or Dialog Instance) was designed to specifically run reports in background. You can still make the jobs to run on these Additional Application Servers by creating SAP_DEFAULT_BTC server group in SM61 . SAP_DEFAULT_BTC is an implicit group which jobs with empty Target server field run on. By defining this group explicitly and adding the chosen Additional Application Servers to the group, you can force the jobs to run on the required Additional Application Servers.