
Showing posts from February, 2012

Slow Cluster Communication with SAP XI on AIX

High throughput and other performance reasons require you to operate the SAP XI application in a cluster environment. Cluster communication then becomes an important factor so that all the server nodes are operating in a harmonious way. If you are using AIX as the operating system, you can improve the cluster communication by tuning tcp_nodelayack . If you set this option to 1, it prompts TCP to send an immediate acknowledgement, instead of waiting for 200 ms (default delay). Run the following commands as root user: To check the current setting: no -o tcp_nodelayack To set the option temporarily: no -o tcp_nodelayack=1 To set the option permanently: no -p -o tcp_nodelayack=1 For more details on this parameter check IBM's documentation . Read  AIX 5L Administration if looking for learning AIX basics.

SAP Java Sessions Not Released After Log-off

If you keep an eye on Services -> Security Provider -> Login Sessions in Visual Admin, and noticed that the login sessions are not closed even if the user logs off. From SPS 21 onwards this problem is fixed by introducing Login Session Revocation Pool. For SPS 19 and 20, download the patch SECURITY_NW04_19.SDA and SECURITY_NW04_20.SDA respectively from SMP or SAP note 1050101.

Improving JDBC Receiver Channel Performace by using Precompiled Prepared Statement

If the receiver JDBC channel executes a lot of UPDATE statements, then the performance can be improved by using SQL bind mode . SQL bind mode makes use of bind variables instead of actual values so that when a similar statement is executed, the parsed SQL statement can be reused from the shared pool. This has a performance improvement as parsing of the statement is avoided each time a similar statement is executed. Here is an example of SQL statement in bind mode: In this example A0 is the bind variable and not the actual value executed by the SQL. To activate SQL bind mode, add the parameter sqlBindMode with value true in the additional parameters section of the Communication Channel. Note that the variable is case sensitive. You should use this option only on UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE and SELECT statements. Do not activate for any other type of statement (ex: UPDATE_INSERT). Apart from adding the parameter, ensure that Database Auto-Commit-Enabled(No Transaction Handling) is...