AE_EOIO_OPTIMIZE: New Mechanism for Handling EOIO Messages

When EOIO messages are sent from Integration Engine to Adapter Engine, they may be sent to different J2EE server nodes by the web dispatcher based on the load. The J2EE engine communicate with each other to ensure that the messages are processed in the desired serial order. There is a performance overhead with the cluster communication, specially when there are a lot of EOIO messages. Administrators dealing with J2EE node restarts with Missed broadcast from Message Server can feel the pain.

Good news is: The latest SPS on PI 7.1, 7.11 and 7.3 have introduced a mechanism to send the EOIO messages of a queue to a single J2EE engine and reducing the need for cluster communication. Bad news is: Due to a bug, this mechanism is not working well now and SAP is working on fixing it.

It won't take time for SAP to come up with a better mechanism, meanwhile you can disable this (default) feature (on the above said SPS) by setting AE_EOIO_OPTIMIZE to 0 in SXMB_ADM --> Integration Engine Configruation. To enable it, you can set the same parameter to 1.

The error (503 service not available. Detail: server overload: no more sessions available) details are available on SAP Note 1586827.

Recommended reading for SAP XI/PI developers:
SAP NetWeaver PI Development: Practical Guide

With this practical guide, you ll learn how to develop mappings, adapters, and proxies for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration. Each exercise includes detailed descriptions for all development and configuration objects (including monitoring), and then concludes with an integration example. The book is suitable for SAP NetWeaver PI beginners.


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