SAPClassNotFoundException when using SQL Driver

The JDBC channel connecting to SQL server fails with one of these errors:
Message processing failed. Cause: Error when attempting to get processing resources: Unable to create new pooled resource: DriverManagerException: Cannot establish connection to URL 'jdbc:sqlserver://**************;databaseName=***************;user=sa;password=****************;': SAPClassNotFoundException:

Message processing failed. Cause: Error when attempting to get processing resources: Unable to create new pooled resource: DriverManagerException: Can not establish connection:: SAPClassNotFoundException:

The class names for drivers are different for SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. Ensure that the driver that you have installed has a class name of " SQLServerDriver" for SQL Server 2005 and "" for SQL Server 2000.

The URL naming convention is also different.
Use "jdbc:sqlserver://<db_Server>:port;databaseName=< db_name>" for 2005 and jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://<db_server>:port; databaseName=<db_name> for 2000.


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