
Showing posts from August, 2010

Creating Admin User for Web Dispatcher

From /usr/sap/SID/sapwebdisp dir run command icmon pf=/usr/sap/SID/sapwebdisp/sapwebdisp.pfl 1.then choose option 'm' for menu 2.choose option 'a' to maintain authentication file enter 4. choose option 'a' to add user to set and give user name and password 5. choose option 's' to save 6. quit

Unable to Delete Old Certificate Entries from Key Storage

If deletion of an old/unused certificate from TrustedCAs errors out saying "Entry [cert_name] from view [TrustedCAs] is not deleted - respective security resource was not deleted": 1. Export the TrustedCAs view to Filesystem(*.view file) and import it back as a test view (Ex: TrustedTest). 2. Delete the old/unused entries from the new view(TrustedTest). 3. Export the new view(TrustedTest) to Filesystem(*.view file). 4. Delete the view TrustedCAs and restart the application. 5. During the restart the "TrustedCAs" view will be recreated and the default certificates will also be regenerated. 6. Import the file that was created in step 3. If the certificates deletion problem is with a custom view follow steps 1, 2, 3 and delete the custom view. Create the view with same name again and reimport the view file created in step 3.

Undeployment Using Telnet

Example shows undeployment of PCK UNDEPLOY on_undeploy_error=stop UNDEPLOY on_undeploy_error=stop UNDEPLOY on_undeploy_error=stop

J2EE Engine Doesn't Start -- CPT Library Problem

J2EE engine doesn't start and logs do not show anything. Check [path_to]/server[X]/temp/cpt. Delete or move the files stored in the directory. The problem is with random OS problems causing errors while CPT library is writing the data in the folder. Advertisement: rcc pipe concrete products rcc spun pipe RCC Spun Pipe Manufacturer pipes manufacturers rcc np2 pipe rcc np4 pipe pipe specifications np4 hume pipe concrete hume rcc hume pipes RCC Hume Pipe Manufacturer np2 hume pipe rcc np3 pipe concrete pipe reinforced concrete rcc hume pipe np2, np3, np4 np3 hume pipe rcc construction

401 Error When Testing Message from RWB

When testing messages by posting xml message payload from RWB, if you encounter a 401 (authorization problem), check login/system_client is set in the instance profile. If this parameter is not set, the message is sent to 000 client by default.

JDBC Driver Trace

An advance mode parameter can be configured for JDBC Communication Channels to trace JDBC API calls on a per-CC basis. In Integration Directory, edit the JDBC Communication Channels and dd the following parameter to the the advanced mode parameter table: jdbcDriverTraceLevel The following values are supported for this parameter: none - no tracing is performed (default) medium - all JDBC API method invocations performed by the channel are traced without any parameters and return values full - all JDBC API method invocations performed by the channel are traced including parameters and return values In addition, set the severity for the location "" to "Info" in the Visual Administartor's Log Configurator service. Do not forget to remove the parameter after trace is collected.

Checking Largest XI Message Between 2 Timestamps

Assuming that XI 3.0 is used with Oracle on UNIX system. The application's time zone setting is assumed to be EDT. To check message sizes between: 20-Jul-2010 05:42:44 EDT and 20-Jul-2010 05:59:27 EDT 1. Convert the times to GMT 20-Jul-2010 09:42:44 GMT and 20-Jul-2010 09:59:27 GMT 2. Log into DB server and run the following commands: sqlplus "/ as sysdba" SET LINESIZE 300 COLUMN MSG_ID format A40 COLUMN TRAN_HEADER format A200 spool message123.txt select MSG_ID, TRAN_HEADER from sap[sid]db.XI_AF_MSG where SENT_RECV_TIME > CAST ( to_date('20-Jul-2010 09:42:44','dd-mon-yyyy HH24:MI:SS') AS TIMESTAMP ) and SENT_RECV_TIME message123content.txt sort -n message123content.txt > message123sorted.txt tail -3 message123sorted.txt 3025555 3169956 54780241 grep 54780241 message123.txt 4e44f773-8935-402c-e130-82100a2204b0 Content-Length=54780241 3. 4e44f773-8935-402c-e130-82100a2204b0 is the largest message.

Where Did My SOAP Message Go?

SAP has released a patch to fix a problem with the SOAP Adapter Message Servlet. When a (SOAP) Sender posts a message, the SOAP Adapter Message Servlet, responsible for handling the message would be processed by a thread. if these messages are sent during a high load, there are chances that they are sent for processing on a thread already engaged in a transaction. In such cases the messages are simply lost as neither a soap fault was sent nor the message was persisted. The fix will cause a soap fault being sent when the SOAP Adapter Message Servlet already in a transaction. Check SAP Note 1491483 - SOAP Adapter - Messages lost under high load f or more details.