
Showing posts from December, 2008

Oracle: DB Connectivity Test

Command for testing DB connectivity between XI system and a remote DB. [XI server]:sidadm > tnsping '(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=[DB server])(PORT=[Listener Port on DB server]))' TNS Ping Utility for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 07-DEC-2008 07:17:25 Copyright (c) 1997, 2006, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=[DB server].[server domain])(PORT=[Listener Port on DB server])) OK (0 msec) If telnet is allowed, you can use this command: [XI server]:sidadm> telnet [DB server] [Listener Port] Trying... Connected to [DB server]. Escape character is '^]'. You can get the DB server and Port details from CC

SAP XI: Webdispatcher Does Not Start Up

Attempts to start web dispatcher fail. Logs show the following: [Thr 1] *** ERROR => shmat(11,0x(nil),SHM_RND) (13: Permission denied ) [shmux_mt.c 1566] [Thr 1] *** ERROR => shmctl(11,IPC_RMID,0) 0x0xffffffffffff1a8) (1: Not owner) [shmux_mt.c 1577] [Thr 1] *** ERROR => shmat(11,0x(nil),SHM_RND) (13: Permission denied) [shmux_mt.c 1566] [Thr 1] *** ERROR => shmctl(11,IPC_RMID,0) 0x0xffffffffffff1a8) (1: Not owner ) [shmux_mt.c 1577] [Thr 1] *** ERROR => SemMonIn: Unable to attach Semaphore Monitor Buffer [semxxmo2.h 319] [Thr 1] MtxInit: -2 0 0 [Thr 1] IcmInit: listening to admin port: 64999 [Thr 1] *** ERROR => shmat(1048588,0x(nil),SHM_RND) (13: Permission denied) [shmux_mt.c 1566] [Thr 1] *** ERROR => shmctl(1048588,IPC_RMID,0) 0x0xffffffffffff208) (1: Not owner) [shmux_mt.c 1577] [Thr 1] *** ERROR => ShmCleanup: ShmCreate(63,0,SHM_ATTACH,...) failed. rtc=1 [shmux_mt.c 3074] [Thr 1] *** ERROR => ShmCleanup: Inv. Key=63 [shmux_...

SAP XI: Importing IDoc Metadata into IB

1. Expand the Namespace where the IDoc metadata has to be imported. 2. Right click on "Imported Objects" and click on "Import of SAP Objects" 3. You will be prompted for R/3 system details. These details are similar to the ones maintained on SAP Logon Pad. 4. Press Continue and navigate to the required IDoc and press continue. 5. Press Finish to start the import. A new entry would be visible under "Imported Objects". Right click and Activate it.

SAP XI: JMS Exception Messages

JMS Exceptions

How to Secure Firefox and IM with PuTTY

How to Secure Firefox and IM with PuTTY

SAP XI: Turn Off Basic Authentication for RNIF Adapters

When using RNIF adapters, the authentication will be done using certificates. You will not need a user/password. To check that the user/password based authentication is off, call http://<host>:<port>/MessagingSystem/receive/RNIFAdapter/RNIF and see that you are not prompted for login details. Follow these instructions to turn basic authentication off: i. Locate the file SAPXIAF*.sca specific to the XI SP version being used in your system. This sca file contains aii_af_ms_app.sda . ii. Open aii_af_ms_app.sda and you would find aii_af_ms_app.war file. Open this file also. You would find web.xml. Make the following changes . iii. Comment out the following section as follows: <!-- security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>XI_AF_RECEIVE</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>receive/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint...

SAP XI: XIAFUSER user is not configured

Communication Channel errors with a message similar to: Sender Agreement: [sender agreement name] Security Settings > Partner certificate configured for signing: ERROR: XIAFUSER user is not configured for keystore [keystore view name] Change KEYSTORE_USER_NAME parameter in SAP XI Industry Speak Service to XIAFUSER. Make the changes on all server nodes. The Channel will be red until the next message is processed through it.

SAP XI: Quickly Install, Configure, and Run SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1

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