
Showing posts from July, 2012

Gmail notification on Ubuntu desktop

gm-notify (Gmail Notifier) is a simple and lightweight gmail notifier/indicator. gm-notify uses notify-osd and indicator-applet to give a seamless notification bubble. Run the following command to install gm-notify sudo apt-get install gm-notify Run gm-notify-config to configure gm-notify. Other similar notification tools: popper  gmailwatcher

Oracle "connected to an idle instance" and ORA-01034

When you try to connect to Oracle database and see " connected to an idle instance " as you enter sqlplus, there are chances that you have set incorrect file permissions. Check that $ORACLE_HOME/bin has "drwxr-xr-x" permisson The file "oracle" in $ORACLE_HOME/bin should have non-zero size and permission "-rwsr-s--x" If the permission differs, set it correctly using the following command chmod 6751 oracle

Creating Index in Oracle-based SAP Application

This is a thumb-rule for creating indexes in Oracle: For small tables (< 100 MB) The creation of index on such tables usually takes a few minutes. Therefore, when you are creating the index pick a time of day where a lock on the table (transactions will be slow due to lock on the table) for a few minutes is acceptable. For medium tables (100 MB - 1 GB) Choose a week-end or a time frame where no user will be running a report that will be using this table. For large tables (>1 GB) The index creation on these tables will be very time consuming and you may have to do this as a downtime. You will have to use DB specific options to speed up index creation. For example in Oracle, you can use PARALLEL DEGREE while creating it. a. Create the index in the DEV system using SE11. b. Take note of the exact name of the index. c. Create the index at Oracle level in QA with the same name that was used in DEV using the following syntax: create index <index name> on <table ...